New Opportunity with DotNetCurry

New Opportunity with DotNetCurry

We’ve recently deepened our relationship with DotNetCurry and are happy to announce some new opportunities (Including Cost Per Click!!!) to reach out to millions of Enterprise .NET Web, Mobile and Cloud professionals globally.  


DotNetCurry reaches millions of .NET Professionals every month.

Website Monthly Visitors: 1 Million+

Newsletter:  Over 90k subscribers sent twice per month

Digital Magazine:  Over 90k subscribers published bi-monthly

Website Advertising:

Ads:  300×250 and 300×150

Cost:  $3/click (minimum order 1,000 clicks/month)

Newsletter Advertising:

Text Ad Sponsor – 35-50 words (only 2 advertiser per edition)

Open Rate:  75%

Average CTR:  3% – 5% (equates to about 2,000 Clicks)

Cost:  $3,000 (works out to be around $1.50/click)

Digital Magazine Advertising:

Ads:  Full Page Full Color Digital Ad, (see sample HERE)

Cost:  $3,000  (average of 1,000 – 1,300 clicks = $2.30 – $3.00 per click)

Find out more HERE